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Format messages by concatenating multiple atoms into a single symbol.


The combine object combines a list of items into a single symbol. It works somewhat like pack and sprintf. The behavior can be modified with attributes. One special attribute is the @config attribute which can be defined only when the object is initially created. The @config attribute will set up the object for one of several pre-arranged configurations of arguments.


Name Type Opt Description
inlet-initialization int float symbol opt The number of inlets is determined by the number of arguments. Each argument sets an initial type and value for an item in the list stored by the combine object. If a number argument contains a decimal point, that item will be stored as a float. If the argument is a symbol, that item will be stored as a symbol.


bang Causes combine to send out a list of the items currently stored.
int input [int]
The number is stored in combine as an item in a list, with its position in the list corresponding to the inlet in which it was received. The combined output is then generated from this list and sent out the outlet.
float input [float]
The number is stored in combine as an item in a list, with its position in the list corresponding to the inlet in which it was received. The combined output is then generated from this list and sent out the outlet.
list input [list]
When a list is sent into any inlet of the combine object, each item in the list is converted to symbols and stored. Its position in the list corresponds to the inlet in which it was received. If the list is sent to the left inlet, the combined output is then generated and sent out the outlet.
anything input [list]
The symbol is stored in combine as an item in a list, with its position in the list corresponding to the inlet in which it was received. The combined output is then generated from this list and sent out the outlet.


Name Type g/s Description
padding int A list that determines the number of zeros to add to a number if appropriate.
triggers int Define a list of inputs that will trigger output automatically. In other words, they will make the inlet hot.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
pack Combine numbers and symbols into a list
pak Output a combined list when any element changes
sprintf Format a message of words and numbers
transport Control a master clock and report time values.