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Report object scripting names


hover sends out the scripting names of any object over which the cursor is hovering.
Note: The hover object does not output anything when the mouse is over objects that do not respond to mouse clicks. This includes the panel and comment objects as well as any object whose Ignore Click attribute is set. In addition, the hover object uses the front-to-back ordering of objects in a patcher to determine the top-most object under the mouse.



Information for box attributes common to all objects


symbol: Out left outlet: When the mouse enters the space over an object with a scripting name, hover outputs the scripting name of the object out the left outlet.
Out second outlet: When the mouse enters the space over an object without a scripting name, hover outputs the symbol none out the second outlet.
Out third outlet: When the mouse leaves the space over an object with a scripting name, hover outputs the scripting name of the object out the third outlet
Out right outlet: When the mouse leaves the space over an object without a scripting name, hover outputs the symbol none out the right outlet.


See Also

Name Description
thispatcher Send messages to a patcher