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Control a master clock and report time values.


The transport object lets you start and stop the passage of time for objects linked to that transport. If given a name, the transport object will control a transport of the given name, otherwise it will control Max's master transport. The transport object reports time consistent with the time formats used in Max.




bang A bang will dump the current state of the transport to the outlets.
int on/off or current-position [int]
In left inlet: toggle whether or not the transport is running on or off
In right inlet: set the current position of the transport in ticks
float on/off or current-position [float]
In left inlet: toggle whether or not the transport is running on or off
In right inlet: set the current position of the transport in ticks
list current-position [list]
Set the current position of the transport using a time unit.
(mouse) Double-clicking on the transport object opens the GlobalTransport window.
dump Causes a report of the current state of the transport to be sent to the Max Window.
getclocksources Causes a list of active clock sources to be sent out the right outlet.
timesig time-signature (two integers) [list]
Set the time signature for this transport using two numbers. The default is 4 4.


Name Type g/s Description
clocksource symbol The current timing source for the transport. The default source is Max's internal clock but other timing sources such as ReWire may also be used.
name symbol There can be multiple named transports running simultaneously. By default, a transport will be associated with Max's global transport. If a name is provided then a new transport is created with that name and can be referenced using this attribute.
resetbarcount int Toggles whether the bar/beat/unit counter advances to the beginning of the next measure when a time signature change is received. By default, this is disabled (0).
tempo float Sets the tempo in beats-per-minute for this transport.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
metro Output a bang message at regular intervals
translate Convert between different units of time.
timepoint Output a bang when a transport reaches a specific time.
when What's the time?
Max Basic Tutorial 19: Timing Max Basic Tutorial 19: Timing