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Interpret MIDI note messages with release velocity


xnotein can filter and process notes from a MIDI object such as midiin with a release velocity.


Name Type Opt Description
MIDI-channel int opt Specifies a channel number on which to look for incoming MIDI note-on and note-off messages. Channel numbers greater than 16 will be wrapped around to stay within the 1-16 range. If there is no argument, xnotein recognizes note-on and note-off messages on all MIDI channels, and the channel number of the message is sent out the rightmost outlet.


int MIDI-input [int]
The numbers are individual bytes of a MIDI stream from midiin. Whereas a note-on with a velocity of 0 is most commonly used to indicate a note-off, xnotein also recognizes the MIDI note-off command, and outputs its release velocity.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


int: Out left outlet: The pitch value of the incoming note-on or note-off message.

Out 2nd outlet: The key-down or key-up velocity of a note-on or a note-off message.

Out 3rd outlet: The number is the indicator of whether the incoming MIDI message is a note-on or a note-off. If the incoming message is a note-on, the output is 1. If the incoming message is a note-off--or a note-on with a velocity of 0--the output is 0.

If no channel number is specified as an argument, xnotein has a 4th outlet on the right. The channel number of incoming messages is sent out the rightmost outlet.


Both note-on and note-off messages are interpreted with a key-down or key-up velocity

See Also

Name Description
notein Output received MIDI note messages
midiin Output received raw MIDI data
xnoteout Format MIDI note messages with release velocity